
Why You Should Celebrate Small Holidays

When it comes to big holiday celebrations, most of us fall into one of two camps: We can’t get enough, or we can’t get away fast enough.

Either way, there’s bound to be some dissatisfaction. Do you loathe the pressure, expectations, and work involved in holiday celebrations? Or do you live for the festivities and feel major letdown when it’s all over?

Whichever camp you fall into, we have a novel idea:

Celebrate minor holidays. Grandparent’s Day. National Doughnut Day. You name it, there’s a day for it.

Here’s why:

If You Love Holidays

Celebrating minor holidays will provide additional opportunities for celebration. Shrink the lulls between the revelry.

If You Find Holidays Overwhelming

Focusing on minor holidays takes the pressure off. Making a big deal out of Arbor Day? No need to make an elaborate meal or find gifts. Grab a loved one or two and plant a tree. Perhaps have a picnic. Focusing on Women’s Equality Day? (August 26th.) Join a few of your favorite women for dinner or drinks and toast to the fight that your foremothers put forth.

When you have several successful minor holiday celebrations under your belt, the big ones might not seem so scary (and you might even feel less pressure to go all out).

Celebrate With Us

At the University Club of Saint Paul , we’re in favor of any occasion for celebration. We host a number of holiday-related events (for both major and minor holidays), and we encourage our members and friends to use our extraordinary spaces as backdrops for their own celebrations.

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The University Club of Saint Paul

Private Social Membership Club & Event Venue

The University Club is a private social and recreational club — and a legendary piece of local history, having played host to a “who’s who” list of Saint Paulites for more than a century.